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Medicare Physiotherapy (Bulked Billed)

Everything you need to know about Medicare rebates, bulk billed physiotherapy, and Chronic Disease Management Plans (formerly known as Extended Care Plans aka EPC)

Do you have an easy to follow checklist that I can use or give to a loved one to follow?

I’m so glad you asked. Click the following link to download your copy of our handy Medicare Physiotherapy Checklist.

Can I get a Medicare rebate for physiotherapy?

Yes, but only with a doctor’s referral in the form of a Chronic Disease Management Plan or a Team Care Arrangement.

To find out if you are eligible, download our helpful checklist (see above).

How do I get a Medicare rebate for physiotherapy?

The short version is – you need to get a referral from your G.P. for either a Chronic Disease or something more complex that needs the attention of multiple health care professionals.

The Patient Information Sheet published by the Department of Health and Aged Care is available here if you’d like further details.

How much is the Medicare rebate?

$60.35 (current as of July 2024).

How much will I need to pay?

Please see our fee schedule on our booking page. You will be eligble for a Medicare rebate with all of our physiotherapy sessions. 

Struggling to find the $$? We believe that healthcare should be accessible to everyone. If price is an obstacle for you, feel free to get in touch, and we can sort something out that works for you.

How do I claim the Medicare rebate?

You don’t need to submit anything. Simply make sure that your bank details are up to date with Medicare.

How many Medicare rebate sessions do I get?

Medicare plans can cover up to 5 sessions per calendar year. Speak with your G.P. to discuss how many you are eligible for.

What is a Chronic Disease / Chronic Medical Condition?

Medicare defines a chronic medical condition as: one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer, for example:

  • Arthritis (including osteoarthritis)
  • Diabetes (Type I and Type II)
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke

How do I book a Medicare appointment?

It’s super easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure your G.P. has sent through a copy of your referral
  2. Book in online and choose either “Medicare Initial” or Medicare Follow-Up”
  3. Bring your valid Medicare Card and a copy of your referral (also bring any scans if relevant).