Worker's Compensation Physio

Everything you need to know to get your physiotherapy covered by WorkCover.

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Download our WorkCover Checklist to get started straight away.

Workers' compensation claims

WorkCover Queensland is Queensland’s workers’ compensation insurance provider.

All Queensland employers are required to either hold a WorkCover Queensland insurance policy or be self-insured. In this article, we’re going to assume your employer holds a WorkCover Queensland insurance policy. If your employer is self-insured, you will need to discuss your injury and rehabilitation directly with them.

I've just been hurt at work or while traveling to/from work. What do I do?

Seek medical treatment straight away. Either see your doctor or go straight to the hospital.

While you’re there, make sure you get a work capacity certificate.
This proves to your employer that you are able/unable to work and is key to the whole process. Sometimes hospitals are busy, so just make sure you have one of these before you leave.

What next?

  1. Download our WorkCover Physiotherapy Checklist.
  2. Let your employer know what has happened as soon as possible and provide them with a copy of your work capacity certificate
  3. Submit a claim with WorkCover
  4. Book an appointment with Spine & Dandy so you can get the rehabilitation process started as soon as possible.

What type of injuries do we treat?

We can treat just about anything that involves the body. Common workplace injuries we treat include:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain and whiplash
  • Broken bones and dislocations
  • Ankle sprains

How do I submit a WorkCover Claim?

Make sure you’ve downloaded and filled out our WorkCover Checklist. This will ensure you have all the information you need to get your claim submitted successfully.

You can either submit your claim online, or phone WorkCover on 1300 362 128.

WorkCover pays to get you better; there are no out of pocket fees

The first 5 sessions come pre-approved. That means we can get to work straight away to get you on the right track before we even have to speak with WorkCover.

We’re on your side. And so is WorkCover. Some people are understandably cautious with insurance providers as they sometimes get a bad wrap, but…

Here’s the big secret that you need to know.

WorkCover’s biggest annual expense is paying the salary of people who can’t work. That means that it is in their best financial interest (because they’re a business) to get you back to work as soon as possible. So, for them to operate as a successful business, they need to do whatever they can to get you better and back to work. How great is that?

For this reason, we work closely with WorkCover to develop the most effective treatment plan for you.

Do I need a referral?

Yes. In order for WorkCover to pay for your sessions, you need to have an accepted claim number and a work capacity certificate. Make sure you download our checklist so that you have everything you need all in one place.

How to book an appointment

All you need to do is book an appointment online or call 0403 609 864 and leave a message on and we’ll get back to you.

Please have the following ready at your appointment:

1. WorkCover Claim Number
2. Work Capacity Certificate (valid medical certificate from your GP)

Please note that if your claim has not yet been accepted then we cannot bill WorkCover. This means you will have to pay for the appointment, however, once your claim is accepted you can submit your invoice to WorkCover to get reimbursed.

Injured Party Checklist

To make a claim, you’ll need to give WorkCover (or the self-insurer) the following information.

  • Your full name, date of birth and personal contact information—including email address and mobile phone number
  • Your employer’s name and location
  • A work capacity certificate from your initial consult for this injury (your doctor will give you this)
  • Your bank details for weekly compensation of reimbursement claims. This includes BSB, account number and account name.
  • A Tax File Number declaration (for time loss claims)
  • Details about your injury or illness, including details about how and when it happened.